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For Honor Starter Edition Free

Get For Honor Starter Edition Free on Uplay, Console Versions on Sale During E3

article-_header_image_lf_free_starter_english_16_9_us_328370The Starter Edition enables players to experience all the maps and modes For Honor has to offer, but takes a different approach to making heroes available. At the outset, it fully unlocks For Honor’s three vanguard heroes – Warden, Raider, and Kensei – and also makes three additional heroes playable (but not customizable), depending on which faction you choose. These heroes, as well as the heroes from other factions, can be fully unlocked and customized for 8,000 steel (For Honor’s in-game currency) each.

For Honor Starter Edition Free

XBOX360 disc read errors

If your XBOX360 is giving errors reading disks or crashing when games are loading then you may be able to repair it yourself using the pot teak method. Team Xcuter have an excellent write up on adjusting the pots on your DVD drive.  I would highly recommend that you buy a case opening tool,  Continue reading

Windows 8 Professional First Impressions

Windows 8 PresentationI have been running Windows 8 Professional on a laptop without a touch screen for about a week now and it is very different.  It boots very fast, not in eight seconds but it is faster than Windows 7.  The new metro interface looks amazing and is easy to use even with a plain old touch pad or mouse.  Metro apps can be downloaded from the Windows store but at the moment there is a shortage of apps and that’s where the problems begin.  Windows 8 has a split personality caused by the need for Microsoft to bring Windows in to the touch era.  Behind the new shiny interface is the old desktop we are all familiar with.  Standard Windows applications are run on the desktop and because of the shortage of metro apps you constantly switch between the two environments.

The desktop is fast with some nice improvements including the removal of the aero graphics which makes everything run faster.  It is also worked flawlessly with every application I have thrown at it, so thankfully no compatibility issues.  What people will notice is the start menu is gone.  This is hard to get your head around and will be a problem for users until the number of metro apps increases.  It is rumored that the start menu may return with an upcoming update.  Corporate IT departments will be in no hurry to deploy Windows 8 and most will stick with Windows 7 for now.

Fast Bootup.
Very clean modern look.
Good compatibility with old Windows software.
Missing Start Menu
Two interfaces lead to confusion
Very limited number of Windows 8 apps

Microsoft are definitely on the right path with Windows 8 but there is some work to be done to integrate the two interfaces and developers need to start creating metro apps.