Category Archives: Phones

developing an android app

English: Android Robot. Français : le logo d'a...

Image via Wikipedia

I find the easiest way to learn to develop for a new system or learn a new programming language is to actually create a complete application.  It is even better if there is an actual use for this application because it forces you to complete the whole process from analysis to deployment.  For my android application I wanted to try and learn as many features as possible including using a  database, creating a background service, and using GPS.  Of course not being a java programmer it was going to be a steep learning curve anyway. Continue reading

Repairs worth trying, iPhone and Car Keys (update: XBOX360)


Image by Andrew Burgess via Flickr

Update: XBOX360 repair

I don’t own and XBOX360 but a friend had an issue with 3 red lights flashing on the front of the unit.  After a small time searching the web it appears that this is a huge problem with XBOX360’s.  This fix involves replacing spring clamps for the heat sinks with screws and then overheating the unit.  I was pretty skeptical but there was a lot of references on the web.

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