Category Archives: Kodi

Auto Start Kodi

When you have setup your Kodi media player on a PC you may have noticed that if you drag a shortcut to the start up menu Kodi doesn’t always load correctly and you are left staring at a black screen. The solution is to delay Kodi loading and allow other services on the computer time to fully load. Below is the bat file I use on windows 7 to delay Kodi loading for 45 seconds.

64 Bit Windows

@echo off
timeout 45
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi"
start kodi.exe

32 Bit Windows

@echo off
timeout 45
cd "C:\Program Files\Kodi"
start kodi.exe

Paste the script above in to Notepad and save as a bat file. Copy the bat file to your start menu startup folder and reboot. You can shorten the time from 45 seconds if you have a faster computer.