Category Archives: Kinect

Arduino and Kinect Controlled Car

Un Arduino Diecimila

Image via Wikipedia

Gaurav Manek has put together a great project mixing several technologies. He has a radio controlled car interfaced with an Arduino and this can be controlled from an iPad or using a Kinect. He has given some details on how he achieved this including some source code for anybody that wants to have a go. Go to to see it in action. The first half of the clip is for the iPad the second is for the Kinect.

Academics, Enthusiasts to Get Kinect SDK

Microsoft have just announced they are about to release a SDK for the Kinect.  There is already a large community out there developing fascinating applications for the Kinect using drivers and API’s developed by the community.  This announcement can only make this scene bigger.  You can read the full press release after the break.

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