Category Archives: Android

Redirect users with mobile devices

English: Sharp Smartphone Android IS03 日本語: シャ...

There are a couple of different methods to re-direct users using mobile devices such as iPhones and Android phones to your mobile website.  One of the easiest way though is to add a simple bit of javascript to to the <HEAD> section of your web page.

This snippet of code will redirect the user to a different page based on their screen size.

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developing an android app

English: Android Robot. Français : le logo d'a...

Image via Wikipedia

I find the easiest way to learn to develop for a new system or learn a new programming language is to actually create a complete application.  It is even better if there is an actual use for this application because it forces you to complete the whole process from analysis to deployment.  For my android application I wanted to try and learn as many features as possible including using a  database, creating a background service, and using GPS.  Of course not being a java programmer it was going to be a steep learning curve anyway. Continue reading

Developing android applications

I have just published an application on the android marketplace, you can scan the bar code or click here to install it.  This application was created as a training exercise so is not very complicated.  The application will convert miles per gallon (imperial) to litres per 100kms.

The whole android development process is well documented on the internet and if you have java experience you are off to a flying start.  There is very little required to get started and the only cost is a $25 registration fee if you wish to publish on the android market (this is not required for developing).

I have used Linux and Windows to test the developers kit and it works fine on both.  It also runs on macs but I haven’t tested this personally.

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